Fall has long been one of my most favorite seasons! What's not to love about…

Summer Delights
Summer Delights
Farm fresh strawberries
Late summer nights turning into late summer mornings
Sunshine and tan lines
A summer breeze carrying the scent of hay basking in the afternoon sun
Vibrant Farmers Market flowers
Thrills and shrills at the County Fair
That first refreshing sip of a perfect iced coffee
Sweet smoky scent of roasted marshmallow
Crackle of ocean-side bonfires
Sandy pages of beach reads and magazines
Light, flowy sundresses
Driving with the windows down, hair blowing in the wind, blasting country music
Backyard barbeque fellowship
Fruity, fresh, and tropical candle escapes
When the back porch turns into the living room, family room, dining room, and play room
The crunch of trail gravel under an afternoon bicycle ride
Splashes and laughs from the pool
The zip of tent flaps and campsite gatherings
Rooftop jamborees
Bright toenail polish celebrating sandal season
Boom! Crack! Pop! of Fourth of July
Beachside ice cream cones
Walking into the dusk with loved ones
Reuniting over summer adventures
Cotton candy skies
Petunia Perfume
Glow of dune grass at sunset
My daughter’s golden sun-kissed highlights
Trees bursting with every shade of green
Reminiscing over summers of yesteryear
New adventures to explore
Sunset’s fragrance
Cold, crisp watermelon
The trickle and gurgle of summer’s relaxed streams
Laughter on the playground
Defying the dark and playing into the summer nights
The scent of slathered tropical sunscreen
Cool relief of an evening breeze
Country road detours
Sun-ripened fruit jewels
The hope and pride of red, white and blue
Creeks and thumps of boardwalk strolls
Wildflowers swaying in the breeze
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